
Showing posts from May, 2013

Tendulker say ,he is shocked and disappointed feel from IPL Fixing

Sachin break silence, he faced to media for shared the pain that he also shocked and disappointed feel from IPL Match Fixing.He know feeling of many cricket fan ,they belive the Indian player and this cricket sports because they belive the cricket sport in India and they make a hope with the Indian player that they show a best perform in front of opposite team but Some Cricketer not pay attention there and they are not understand their feeling.Sir Sachin also support the cricket fans and he say all cricket fan's want that cricket sport rectify immediately and they require some strong rule where No any player involve the fixing. Sachin said the match authority must take a strong step where they pay attention the feeling of cricket fans ,they always see the cricket as a religion in India.No any person image more than these cricket fans So this cricket authority need a fast and good action against the corrupt person who is responsible this fixing. Now "one game of

Maoist Chaina follow the think of Nation father's Mahatma Gandhi.

The Maoist Country of Chaina turn move to open think like as India's hero Mahatma Gandhi So these Maoist country Launch the books of Mahatma Gandhi.The world people also know very well that now some days remain in the world which support this Maoist think but No any country come to support this think because these Maoist thinker not want to give the importance of freedom and not belive to share the think and culture each other.These rules very hard to deploy in life. whatever event occur in Beijing before days ,they give a notation perhaps some changes will see in future,because the Chaina people need the open think.this is great movement that the Maoist country attract the India's nation father think and they are accept his open think whose always favor a peaceful atmosphere around the world but some people have taken a wrong benefit. The India's culture and their saint think also accepted by many country ,So here people want a peaceful atmosphere to all who

CBSE X Result come where pass recorded percentage 98.99%.

Today ,the Central Board of Secondary Education has announce the result of X class standard students.this X class result break the record of past year result, The CBSE announced the record which make by this result.The students of X class enjoying this movement and shared this result message with family relative and friends where these person also waiting these movement with too excitement,while this result come then the teacher of CBSE school also happy and they are say that they are welcome this result So many students who have given a best performed from last year ,he got a good mark in this exam. the X class also see own result in these site and they find the more information about result to click the site of CBSE result. Now you are not more waiting to find these result but you have find more information by this link which provide bottom this page.             ! . this  X class result increase 6.90 o

Many Bank need creative mind who understand India's Market

Allahabad UP Gramin Bank invites applications from Indian citizens, for the post of Officer in Junior Management (Scale I) Cadre and Office Assistant (Multipurpose) from Indian citizens who have appeared at the Common Written Examination for "RRBs" conducted by "IBPS" in September 2012 and declared qualified. Allahabad UP Gramin Bank would coordinate the written examination, thereafter, Interview and Computer Proficiency Test for he short-listed candidates would be conducted by each Company in their respective zones where their Head t Office is situated (except in certain cases). Please note the Important Dates: Opening date for Online Registration is 30-05-2013 and last date of close registration of on line Application 14-06-2013 both date also Payment of Application Fees 30-05-2013 to 14-06-2013 . Click this Link-> . please you click this link and get more information for

Sir Sachin has decided to leave the IPL Match now.

Sir Sachin name is not need any event where he is become famous, All cricket fan love him with his respect.Today the Most people make idol of  Sir Sachin,Really they are give respect to Sachin,he has played his last IPL Match.Now these great player want give a resignation from IPL session in India.This IPL session is the last match played by Sir Sachin against to 'CSK' and the Mumbai team became a victory team in the IPL-6 in India. Sachin also given his resignation from 'ODI' (One Day International) but he will play only the test match. Sachin's fans opinions that they wishes toady Sachin play a cricket not take  retirement ,they are not forget him  and always happy when Sachin Tendulkar make a new record in favor to India. Sir Sachin wishes that Again India take World cup-2015 Trophy own home So Indian team should be prepare for make a winner team in biggest ICC cricket  tournament Sachin help  and guide a player of Indian team who now very well

BCCI chief want, No any body force me for Resignation from BCCI.

BCCI chief say that The hound Media want a resign from me,because No any person spread this message in the India , N Srinivasan say.Really No any Member of BCCI not interested to take own responsibility for the current match fixing scandal occur in India but the BCCI top person try to safe our chair and position Now the Cricket fan understand how these responsible person not give any satisfaction reply to the India's people.India's people not understand how these BCCI control and mange the team and what these member has made rule to prevent the Match fixing in India. Now one question from the Cricket fans perhaps coming time many people not belive the BCCI and these sport because No one present available under the BCCI to get the responsibility,the public of India waiting the action which will take by the BCCI members in India. Match fixing is one most problem in India and other world but the most problem present here that many top personality doing this scandal w

Divine Shree MadBhagwat open mystery about the life.

                                                                                                               -:श्रीमद् भगवदगीता:-    पहले अध्याय का माहात्म्य......!  श्री पार्वती जी ने कहाः- भगवन् ! आप सब तत्त्वों के ज्ञाता हैं । आपकी कृपा से मुझे श्रीविष्णु-सम्बन्धी नाना प्रकार के धर्म सुनने को मिले,जो समस्त लोक का उद्धार करने वाले हैं। देवेश ! अब मैं गीता का माहात्म्य सुनना चाहती हूँ, जिसका श्रवण करने से श्रीहरि की भक्ति बढ़ती है । श्री महादेवजी बोलेः- जिनका श्रीविग्रह अलसी के फूल की भाँति श्याम वर्ण का है, पक्षिराज गरूड़ ही जिनके वाहन हैं, जो अपनी महिमा से कभी च्युत नहीं होते तथा शेषनाग की शय्या पर शयन करते हैं, उन भगवान महाविष्णु की हम उपासना करते हैं । एक समय की बात है मुर दैत्य के नाशक भगवान विष्णु शेषनाग के रमणीय आसन पर सुखपूर्वक विराजमान थे। उस समय समस्त लोकों को आनन्द देने वाली भगवती लक्ष्मी ने आदरपूर्वक प्रश्न किया । श्रीलक्ष्मीजी ने पूछाः- भगवन ! आप सम्पूर्ण जगत का पालन करते हुए भी अपने ऐश्वर्य के प्रति उदासीन से होकर जो इस क्षीरसागर में नींद ले

Shree Radha waiting for Shree Krishna in Vrindavan when he came there.

श्रीमद्भागवत दशम स्कंध:- श्रीकृष्ण कथा-भाग-24भागवत कथा में राधाजी का प्रवेश हो रहा हैअब भगवान गोकुल छोड़ चुके हैं।नई जगह आए हैं वृन्दावन और वृन्दावन के बारेमें ऐसा कहते हैं कि वृन्दावन में राजा नहीं हुआ, वृन्दावन में रानी हुई है राधा। यह राधा का क्षेत्र है। वृन्दावन के पास में एक गांव था बरसाना और बरसाना के मुखिया थे वृषभानु और उनकी बेटी थी राधा। भगवान की जन्मस्थली थी गोकुल और कर्मस्थली वृन्दावन। भागवत कथा में यहां से राधाजी का प्रवेश हो रहा है। यदि भागवत को बारीकी से पढ़ें, तो भागवत में श्री या तो शुकदेवजी के लिए एक बार लगा है या कृष्णजी के लिए एक बार लगा है। बाकी किसी भी पात्र के लिए भागवतजी में श्री नहीं लगाया जाता। लोगों ने पूछा ऐसा क्यों, तो व्यासजी ने बताया ये भागवत में श्री शब्द का अर्थ है राधा। जैसे श्रीमद्भागवत यहां भागवत की शुरुआत में ही राधाजी का स्मरण किया गया है। चूंकि उनके बिना भागवत हो ही नहीं सकती। Vrindavan famous for truth love storey of shree Radha Krishna.Many people come here for see the shree Radha-Krishna's glimpses and they are feeli

Shree Krishna Katha part's-15,Fight with devil Vatsasur.

श्रीमद्भागवत दशम स्कंध:- श्रीकृष्ण कथा-भाग-25वृन्दावन के चारों ओर प्रकृति का वैभव बिखरा हुआ था।तरह-तरह के फलों और फूलों के वृक्ष थे।भांति- भांति के पक्षी अपने मधुर कंठ स्वरों से वातावरण को गुंजित कर रहे थे। एक ओर गोवर्धन पर्वत था और दूसरी ओर यमुना कल-कल करती बह रह थी। झुंड -के-झुंड भौंरे फूलों पर मँडरा रहे थे ,उस मनोहर वृन्दावन में कृष्ण बछड़ों को चराने के लिये समुत्सुक होकर हलधर तथा ग्वालबालों के साथ श़ृङीवाद्य , मुरली और बेंत धारण करके विचरने लगे । कृष्ण रोज ग्वाल- बालों के साथ गाय चराते और खेलते थे। पूरे दिन वन में ही रहते थे। सन्ध्या होने पर गायों के साथ पुनः घर लौटते थे। कृष्ण के शरीरकी कान्ति नेत्रों को मोह लेने वाली थी । एक बार की बात है दोपहर के पूर्व का समय था। कृष्ण कदंब के वृक्ष के नीचे ग्वाल-बालों के साथ खेल रहे थे। चारों ओर सन्नाटा था। सहसा श्रीकृष्ण की दृष्टि सामने चरते हुए बछ्ड़ों की ओर गई । उन बछ्ड़ों के मध्य वे एक अद्भुत बछ्ड़े को देखकर चौंक उठे। दरअसल, वह कोई बछ्ड़ा नहीं था, वह एक दैत्य था जो बछ्ड़े का रूप धारण करके बछ्ड़ों में जा मिला था।

Bhagwat Katha part-18 describe a mystery of the Lord krishna

The lord Krishna had taken a birth in the Earth  when this earth was calling this lord to safe this nature from many devil power,who had been living this earth..The Bhagwat tell all mystery for the lord Krishna's life but be careful although you believe the Hindu culture and impress these Sanskriti then you understand what is hide here and what we want describe here. The lord Krishna's mother name was Yasoda and father's name was Nand Baba they had lived in Vrindavan it is also know by Braj in India,where the lord Krishna play many role and he proved that All humane being a super power but he also remember and belive a god power which always safety from the devil.  भागवत दशम स्कंध:- श्रीकृष्ण कथा-भाग-18नंद व यशोदा कौन थे पूर्व जन्म में?राजा परीक्षित ने शुकदेवजी महाराज से पूछा- हे भगवन। सारे वेद, उपनिषद, सांख्य योग औरभक्तजन जिनके माहात्म्य का गीत गाते नहीं थकते, उन्हीं भगवान ने यशोदाजी को पुत्र सुख प्रदान किया। नन्दबाबा तथा यशोदाजी

IPL Match fixing incident's put-up many question about a future of BCCI.

The IPL Match making a places of many bookies where these people try to gain a lot money of this sport but Many cricket fans was thinking that all fixing activity spread by other country but it is not truth because many celebrity ,players and sponsors also involve this black business,not one person alone spread to all India but these fixer well know all people of this country most like to see the cricket match So these black business man begin the plan how can make a lot of money from this sport. Today morning ,many news coming about this IPL fixing but this Match fixing incident has taken a new turn when the Indian people read a news of IPL president' son-in-law also involve in this fixing ,he also a owner of "CSK" Chennai Super King team,Now the cricket fan understand how can these people making a folly to all cricket fans,who come the stadium to seen his star player. The IPL commissioner came to favor the IPL president ,he praise the president of IPL bu

UPA-2 present Report card when India suffer from Scams.

UPA-2 has celebrated the party of UPA-2 anniversary yesterday and the India's PM Manmohan Singh with congress president's Sonia Gandhi has seen to addressing a meeting to counted many result which has completed during UPA-2 working time, But this current Govt.has forgotten about a many scams which increase and continue occur in UPA-2 working time in India So the India's people not understand which type party announced by the Congress,why this party responsible person praise to each other. UPA-2 want open a score card ,which tell to all people what's biggest work completed and what's new policy coming in India So the India's PM self feel a great experience to share all member of this party. India's PM Manmohan Singh want to give presentation in front to world but the Indian not understand what new achievement got by India because this country and country's people bad effected these big scams which occur some before day when the former telecom M

Volleyball player Arurnima Sinha get a success to climb the Everest.

मंजिलें उन्ही को मिलती है जिनके सपनों में जान होती है पंखो से कुछ नहीं होता हौसलों से उडान होती है दो साल पहले ट्रेन हादसे में अपना एक पैर गंवाने वाली वॉलीबॉल खिलाड़ी अरुणिमा सिन्हा ने आखिरकार दुनिया की सबसे ऊंची चोटी एवरेस्ट को फतह कर ही लिया| इसी के साथ अंग गंवाकर एवरेस्ट पर पहुंचने वाली पहली भारतीय बन गई हैं। 12 अप्रैल 2011 को वह लखनऊ से दिल्ली आ रही थी तभी किसी ने उसे ट्रेन से नीचे फेंक दिया था और इस हादसे में उसने अपना बांया पैर गवां दिया था। बाद में उसे कृतिम पैर लगाया गया। हादसे से उसके हौसले कमजोर नहीं हुए। जब वह 4 महीने एम्स में बिस्तर पर थी तभी उसने फैसला किया था कि वह एक दिन एवेस्ट फतह करेगी। अपने पैरों पर खड़े होने के बाद उसने टाटा स्टील एडवेंचर फाउंडेशन में एवरेस्ट फतह करने वाली बिछेंद्री पाल से ट्रेनिंग ली। वह इससे पहले लद्दाख की एक 21 हजार फीट ऊंची चोटी पर तिरंगा फहरा चुकी हैं। अरुणिमा सिन्हा ने आज देश का सर शान से ऊंचा कर दिया हैं और देश की सभी महिलाओ के लिए प्रेरणास्रोत बनी| This girl make a idol  to all women in the world . She is make b

22 May make a International Day for Biological Diversity

International Day for Biological Diversity  This day making as a International day in the world.the world accept this think the atmosphere of nature also effected by the green gases pollution which spre ad to all world but the develop count ry spread this green gases pollution more than to other country whose going ahead to achieve a good grow th. Today is the International Day for Biological Diversity.The day is observed on the 22nd of May every year, to increase understanding and awareness of biodiversity issues. The theme this year is, 'Water and Biodiversity'. Our correspondent reports that it has been chosen to coincide with the UN designation of 2013 as the International year of water cooperation. The theme speaks of the important role of biodiversity and ecosystems for water security, and therefore for sustainable development. Water underpins human well being and is absolutely necessary for food security, drinking, sanitation, econ

Now,Match fixing mater,The police arrested Vindoo Dara Singh in Mumbai.

The India's police begin to search the link of match fixing.Many Information come from media that Many celebrity and cricket player include this match fixing and some people who touch to this IPL also tell to Media that Many popular name will be come after this incident because it is work as making a lot black money from this IPL Match . Now The India's intelligence reached a Mumbai to arrested a Film and Television actor Vindoo Dara singh's house because the India's police has got some link between Vindoo Dara Singh and is prove that Some celebrity has made a relation between cricketer and bookies.coming days many mystery open by the intelligence who regular try to find the real truth behind on this IPL Match.This fixing hurt to all Cricketer fan who love the Cricket in India. the Cricket has made a religion for All Indian but this feeling not understand these fixer who sell himself to gain some benefit from the Corrupt people ,they are not want

US impress from Indian ability,to Increased H-1B visas only for India.

The US has made a new record to received nearly 50,000 application packages of H-1B visas very fast on first day,which show that high demand of this country from other countries people who prefer to come this country and searching job there.Many country people first prefer the US where they are easily gain their growth and themselves find in high place comparison to other country living life. it was too surprise record came in the USCIS (United state and Immigration service), they are no official announce but according computer world report that it estimate by FCi federal,which is Virginia based government service and technology suggest that USCIS receives 50,000 application packages of H-1B visas on first day. Now many people of different country also seeing a dream to getting job in US. The US made First choice country in the world where many people of different country want to doing job So they also continue try to found this Visas. The America presi

Today On 21 May,Some Metro Station not open any Entry for some hour .

The Delhi Metro make a biggest  traveling organization for the Public in India.these are controlled by the (DMRC),Delhi Metro Railway Corporation which give us a World No-1 Metro without pollution where we can that we also sincere for pollution because these pollution making a challenge to destroy our atmosphere and nature So The temperature of Earth continue increase and the Number of Glacier reduce time to time. Now the (DMRC),Delhi Metro Rail Corporation take decision that the Race Course Metro will close from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM ,Today So those people want go towards this Metro station please change route caused by some security reason.This is announced by the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation. The Mission of Delhi Metro is they are making a biggest network where A whole Delhi associate this network till on the year 2021.Delhi Metro provide world No-1 service to all passenger with reliability safety,comfort,punctuality and passenger satisfaction in India.The Delhi Metro also w

Chinese PM has come India for making a strong nation in the World.

Chinese PM Li Keqiang has reached India yesterday.He is come India for three days where he meet ti India's PM Manmohan Singh and other politician for sharing china mission but he has already open the motive that why he want first visit India compare to other country of World.As Know currently the China soldier enter the India Border and they had made a stay place which after back return when India agree with some condition with China Now All world knowing a both country will prepare huge market to all world where Many country participate to sell own products and these help to prevent The recession . Now The India is become famous to all world for Software Market and China also famous for hardware market but after this comparison this both country where the India present a clean and peace full country and the China not present a peaceful country because the world people has seen the Tibet where the people not accept a China region So The Tibet's people also struggle f

Yesterday Night,Race Course Metro has closed 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm.

The Delhi Metro make a biggest  traveling organization for the Public in India.these are controlled by the (DMRC),Delhi Metro Railway Corporation which give us a World No-1 Metro without pollution where we can that we also sincere for pollution because these pollution making a challenge to destroy our atmosphere and nature So The temperature of Earth continue increase and the Number of Glacier reduce time to time. Now the (DMRC),Delhi Metro Rail Corporation take decision that the Race Course Metro will close from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM ,Today So those people want go towards this Metro station please change route caused by some security reason.This is announced by the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation. The Mission of Delhi Metro is they are making a biggest network where A whole Delhi associate this network till on the year 2021.Delhi Metro provide world No-1 service to all passenger with reliability safety,comfort,punctuality and passenger satisfaction in India.The Delhi Metro also wan

Many job opportunity available in Banking sector,Today

                                          NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED Today,National Insurance company announce many job opportunity in national Insurance company limited. this job as like assistants officer in public sector General Insurance Bank with a combine humane resource of 65,651 having 6116 offices in a country with total premium income of Rs 35,000 crore of the year 2012-13 for Recruitment 2,600 (Two Thousand six hundred)assistant in class-3 cadre in open market. National Insurance Company Limited would coordinate the written examination, thereafter, Interview and Computer Proficiency Test for he short-listed candidates would be conducted by each Company in their respective zones where their Head t Office is situated (except in certain cases). Please note the Important Dates: On line Registration start  from 18th May 2013 and last date of close registration of on line Application 12th June 2013 both date also inclusive.the Date where this exam will occur

How the little child's Dhruv had gotten god his childhood's time.

The god always happy those people whose heart always full-fill for love and mercy So the god self praise their virtue and work.Such as the little child's Dhruv story proved if Any people want to meet the god then the first need you to making a good heart all other people as like a small baby who has not any hate to any person.the god not need any thing as you try to give in god temple but you are not try to give your heart. These Dhruv story learn to all people how can get bless from the god and make a good person in the Earth where all people follow yow and move life direction on way which towards to god's house Now Many people change place time to time in the earth and continue searching to find the address of God but they are forget this universe truth that the god present all places in the Earth and self this present under our body but we are not see there because we are make mistake to see there. शुभ मंगल कृष्णमय् शुभप्रभात.... भागवत महापुराण कथा हम वहां

IPL-6 making a Fixing sport in India for Cricket Fans

the Cricket has made a religion for All Indian but this feeling not understand these fixer who sell himself to gain some benefit from the Corrupt people ,they are not want to see to make a growth of India and they are always try to break  the believe the Indian from the Cricket and other traditional work in India.Today, The Delhi Police open some closure  which Indicate the notation this point the wire of fixing sports connect to Dubai  and Some big Gang who make a huge amount from this IPL-6 Match in India. Before Time These Delhi police open the first matter of Cricket Fixing but the India's punishment law not have any law which give the Punishment to the Fixer cricketer and bookies So these corrupt cricketer will make safe from the Punishment.Its show the weakness of BCCI because this  cricket organisation more famous to All world but the BCCI also unsuccessful to prevented the match Fixing  in the Cricket Match here The Cricket Fans say why these player associate this fixi

how the Lord Krishna had made this Universe.

The Saint Vidur and Maharishi Matrai share each other a divine knowledge when the world God cover all world at own lap  and own yog-maya.which attract all live life in the Earth,then this super power thought remake a new art in life So the kindness Lord Shree Krishna regenerate a super humane and he also regenerate some life who lead same activity to raise some humane but the world not expand for humane life then The God Brahma pray to Shree Krishna,the God Brahma had divided in two parts of male and female who help to expand this universe. The fist man was Manu and the first women was Vaivasvata   who had made first man and women in the World. the world expand continue time ti time when its is not completed a time.As we know only one power thing whenever seen in the whole much surprise we are take a birth and after some time  we will  leave the Earth after this Incident we are think that we are safe from death. The Birth and death is two parts of life where all

how the honest King leaved the Earth and The Kalyug came in the Earth.

The last King's Parikshit had made king of Hastinapur  region where the old King's Yudhister famous all world for truth.He is symbol of Dharma in the earth on that time ,his grand son was Parikshit who had made a last king of Hastinapur where he was try to safe India's culture and their moral in the Earth, when the Pandava was going to left Hastinapur then the King 's Yudhister had made a king of grand son Parikshit. The king Parikshit had made a first person in the world ,who heard the first Shree MadBhagwat Geeta from the great saint of Sukhdev after that he had left the Earth. एक दिन राजा परीक्षित शिकार खेलने गए। मृग का पीछा करते-करते वे बहुत थक गए। प्यास लगी तो वे शमीक ऋषि के आश्रम में गए। शमीक ऋषि ध्यान लगाकर बैठे थे। परीक्षित ने सोचा कि ये मेरी बात नहीं सुन रहे। भूख प्यास के मारे राजा अपना विवेक खो बैठा। और उसने एक छड़ी से एक मृत सर्प को शमीक ऋषि के गले में डाल दिया। और राजा चला गया। शमीक ऋषि की समाधि फिर भी भंग नहीं हुई। शमीक ऋषि का पुत्र श्रृं

Govt. Bank suffer from Ministers ,New bad debts scam has come in India

India's Govt. Bank writing a bad debts which has occurred before some time in India.The Govt. Bank announce the loss which are bear before some time and these bank write a bed debts 15,000 crore from before year in India .these Bank has given loan over $15 billion or more than 85,000 crore of corporate loan which is not return to these Bank now.these billion amount making 'NPA' (NON Performing Asset ) of cause before some time the structure of these bank not safe in future now.           We are seeing all Scam with silent that these current govt. take a strong action to make a safe from this type scam which continue increase in last 9 year of this govt. working time in India. according the report of Parliamentary standing committee has surprise how these lot of loan turn to (NPAs) of these govt.Bank. To clean up their balance sheet ,Most govt.Bank writing off apart of Bad debts. Canara Bank , which has made over Rs 80 crore advance to firm owned by former Rail

Life change to time to time So we need to rectify Social Rule.

भीष्म ने कहा- ये आप क्या कह रहे हैं भगवन मैंने तो संबंधों का निर्वाह किया था। मैंने तो शपथ ली थी प्रतिज्ञा का पालन करना तो राजपुरूष का कर्तव्य है। श्रीकृष्ण ने जो उत्तर दिया भागवत का संदेश यहीं से आरंभ हो रहा है। >>><<<>>><<< श्रीकृष्ण भीष्म से कह रहे हैं -भीष्म याद रखिए जीवन में अपनी शपथ, अपने संकल्प, अपने निर्णय व अपनी परंपरा का पुनर्मूल्यांकन करते रहना चाहिए। जब आपने हस्तिनापुर की राजगादी की रक्षा की शपथ ली थी तब चित्रांगद और विचित्रवीर्य बैठे थे राजगादी पर। और जब द्रोपदी का अपमान किया गया उस समय दुर्योधन जैसा दुष्ट बैठा था राजगादी पर। श्रीकृष्ण का यह संवाद हमारे लिए संकेत है। वर्षों पुरानी हमारे घर की कोई परंपरा हो, हमारी जीवन की परंपरा व्यवस्थाओं की परंपराएं हो तो समय- समय पर उनका पुनर्मूल्यांकन करते रहिए। पांडव अपने सारे निर्णयों की पुष्टि भगवान से करवाते थे और भीष्म यहीं पर चूक गए थे। श्रीकृष्ण ने कहा-जीवन संतुलन का नाम है। जो लोग जीवन को अति से जिएंगे वे एक दिन परेशान हो जाएंगे। यह सुनकर भीष्म ने कहा इतना बड़ा कुरुव