India's youth open third angry eyes to clean congress in assembly election-2013

Now,Happy day has returned in India when assembly result has been coming for Sunday in India. many people are excited to seen the result of assembly election but All people very excited to seen the Result of new born AAP party where its convener Arvind Kejriwal more confident to seen the youth's support because this time youth self come to change old history in India where corruption spread continue with congress party in India.

We meet many people of India and try to know,what a view about a new party and party member
who continue seen as like soldier in corruption war in India.Many people wish ,In Delhi ,AAP party would come with major support and these party would be made big party under in Delhi region in India.
India history always praise youth power because youth power always safe this country,when
country need youth then many Bhagat Singh come to reduce major burden from this country and they have made a golden history in this biggest country.

Now,the biggest party deep think about this AAP party victory because 28 new person come in this Delhi assembly election and other party member seeing this victory which tell to many politician toady,India voter not seeing cast ,religion and community ,Voter only find what party member have honest or not,AAP party is successful to showing their honesty in front of India people.

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