Toady Anniversary,Swami Dayanand Saraswati

Today World making Anniversary of Indian Noble Saint Swami Dayanand Saraswati.he was the
noblest saint who believe to Hindu Religion and also presented Hindu culture in other country then
All person called a "Swami" and some people called as like "Maharishi" Dayanand Saraswati.

He was the Famous leader of Hindu religious of his time and always talking about Hindu Vede,
India's Sanskriti language and forced to a adopt these culture to every Indian and he had given
a moral Knowledge to all people how can develop their-selves.

Many People was well known as the founder of the 'Arya Samaj'.he was born on 12 Feb,1824 in
Tankara, near Rajkot district in Gujarat.his childhood name was Mool Shanker.his father name was
Karshanji Lalji Tiwari and Mother name was Yashodabai.they were belong a Brahmin family and
believe their culture and Hindu Vedic.

Swami had spent his life to search a  real true knowledge that how can safe a life to live in the earth
then he move to his vedic culture and he said to all people "Return to own Vede".
Really Swami had a great personality and true knowledge who wanted to give all people
to living in the Earth.

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