IIM-Lucknow has given 100 per cent placement this year-2013-14

IIM-Luucknow has given 100 per cent placement in India where the biggest batch of 475 student have been getting the job in this Management Institute for last five days.These Management Institute always knowing the best management Institute of India,here thousand student come to make a good administrator because A Good administrator always give a good direction of their business and he is help in growth of his country in the world and world people see his country with respectfully.

Here,both National and International company give the more job of IIM-L in India,it is good message to all world that India open many way for world student where these student stat a make future in this country So it is happy event for to all,After Diwali All student have gotten job in many national and International company in India.

100 per cent placement news come in India After Diwali which give a shining notation in the world that Indian ability make a golden Identity in the world where Many international company want to buy this gold from Indian Management Institute and other sources,when many country not bear many job due to financial problem then in India only one country to open all job doors where many student finds their like work in many field of company in India.

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