India former coal secretary PC Parekh open coal mystery in closet word.

India bear many scam in this country when Congress govt.made a first government in this country.
Many farmers of India could not living a good life and these children also not take a two time a
complete food So The Global Hunger Index(GHI) provide a highest rank of India due to many
children of India have not getting a complete food in two time of day.

Today,India Former coal secretary PC Parekh open a mystery in closet word where he had been blaming
to India Prime Minister as like accused number -1 of India for some time ago.Now he told to media if he
is guilty then India Prime Minister will be also guilty and If India prime Minister is Innocent then he is also
Innocent in Coal scam of India.

Many times ,All world seeing that India Prime Minister not Interested to talked Indian public about coal
scam of India why Some minister continue try to hide this scam from India public but India public not silent
about this scam and India public asking to India Prime minister who is self care the coal ministry then how
the coal scam occur under this country and No any accused present in front the India Public.

India laborious person not want ,these tax is steal by some accused minster because All laborious person
of India have given a tax for a make a credible India  in the World but Some minster of India who are not
understand the feeling of India people and these minister always stealing the tax of India people,to doing
the biggest scam under this country.

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