Every-time seeing in India ,Many pilgrims loss life in stampede of festival.

Many people think why India not reduce the accident when Festival Season start in India.Really.It is true
many time ,the people of India hunt down of stampede in Festival where million and thousand people come
and they are worship together  but many danger and wrong rumors try to make a danger situation then No
Any government take a frequently action to prevent the stampede in festival.

Now,MP Ratangarh temple has made a place where many weeping sounds come because 139 people
has died there in " Durga" festival .this news of India is very sad news to all Indian.many pilgrims has lost
their family member and relative where All India make the festival with joyful in India.

"Durga festival is the biggest and important festival in India where These festival learn why the people
give  respect of women So All mother learn her child that he always respect all women and help her.
All India festival introduce humane virtue in the world.  Indian Noble Saint said.

All Indian people and world people stand with these family,these family have lost their family member
in MP, Ratangarh temple where these temple is famous all world with their divine power So All world
people wishing to God,ALL Great soul meet the supreme power in infinity.

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