Develop country but every 7th person is depend for food on American Govt. help.

A develop Country which very soon come in world with a powerful country but Here, 7th person of this
country only depend and bound with government help.All world country and people heard the news of
America economy ,which disturb very soon in this time where America president announced when opposite
party not agree for coming budget then More govt. employ take non-payment leave.

Now,World people seeing all event which occur in America because After 17 year America take a decision
of shutdown start So World people understand ,Now here Many people are  unemployed as like other development country After this unemployed,Many development country youth make a first choice where they are make their future in this country.

India inform all people of this country now ,No any effect will show in India ,when American government
had stopped all work ,which is not much need for America So We are understand ,what would be happen
under this country,America president had decided to shutdown for long time, when American Congress
not agree to present a next budget of America Senate.

As World making a global market then the economy of any country is not placing a stable position because
in a competition time,we want to make very soon a power rich man after we are not pay attention to natural
effect of world because we are continue spread the most pollution in the world,which will make be danger
to all world So In globalization, we will more loss our life in the world.  

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