UP Govt. selfishly showed a Drama but All know everything about UP Govt.

UP riots has putted a black spot in UP Government, why these government not take quick action to made a peaceful environment in West UP where These riots continue increased but Government can not success to
safe more life in west UP.SP head Mulayam Singh Yadav to seeing a dream to make a Prime Minister's chair but he is not care a part of India So The people of this country admit his statement ,his party will do
good work during a next election.

Now,Former SP leader Jaya Prada also give a statement against SP head that he always try to benefit of
party worker when his work is complete then party worker outside SP party as same incident hunt down
by self  former SP leader Jaya Prada.

Now,SP Leader Ramgopal Yadav self demanding resignation of SP leader Azam khan but SP head well
Know,his politics stand only Muslim bank vote Although he take action against SP leader Azam Khan then
Many Muslim Vote leave him and they are go to other Party.Now,SP head ,to seeing ,he make a third front
in India So He is not go against SP leader Azam Khan.

Really.it is clear UP politics is walk surround a one specific minority where people not make a think what
is right themselves because it is give Importance some caste and religion So we are more try to make a
good state but State depend only here living people .So Changing the thought and stand against this black
politics in India then we can live with fearless anywhere in this country.

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