Modi Said,He believe only do work not seeing dream.

Today,Gujarat CM has announced,He is not seeing the dream to Make a Future PM of India but He will
be make a good PM of India So he is not making a cheap think about PM chair in India.He always believe
to give a best job of his responsibility but some people who always make a negative think in respect to
development ,they are always stand against his development think.

Modi's has given a strong message to all politician who always think that Modi is not come in Delhi but
Indian People give a strong message to all world that these country will being change now and We get
take all decision without interfere other country So Indian want a biggest change in current government
because Indian PM chair deserve only strong person not lazy person ,Now those time come in India
Where We give a big and good message to all world people.

"All Indian are waiting to change the loose policy and government in India but India want ,India is show
as a great thinker country where no Any person to make a cheap a think such as ,today many leader
make cheap policy for their personal benefit," Many Indian Said.

RTI Act 2005  give the Information right to India's people but we saying with sorrow that current govt.
and some politician not happy this law and they are make a new Act which destroy soul of this Act and
These country people ,Who is King but they are not understand ,what will be happen in this country.
So We want to wake up Indian youth ,who understand what will be happen.

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