Pakistani terrorist learn Indian culture to hide their identity in World.

Indian Investigation team has find more information from Pakistani terrorist "Tunda",How Pakistani
terrorist agency "ISI" has been making a new planning for some year where this pakistani terrorist agency
will prove that these terrorist not come from Pakistan and ISI will safe from world Investigation agency
but Indian Soldiers will not complete the cruel Pakistani Agency think in India.

Now,Indians should self get the responsibility that they are come in front current government ,when we
are live with hope,One day ,Pakistan government has understood that they will not able to fight with
Indian soldier,When this country Soldiers heard self soul sound then they are not waist a time for any
order ,Immediately meat at a Loc.

We are seeing the whole Incident which occur in the world ,Many country government face a terrorism
but they are fight alone ,perhaps they are not understand ,terrorism is enemy of whole country people
Not specific country So terrorist effected country leave their personal benefit only take action with
other country then the world will be relinquish with terrorism fear.

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