Indian Sister making the Rakhi with help of Onions in India.

Now,Indian Sister will be ready to give the biggest message to All minister who always fight with wrong
Subject,perhaps this message will make be right reply to pay attention this side where Many people of
this country not taking a balance eat in this time.

We are well know,India is great and wealthy country in the universe but Some people always try to
destroy these unity ,Here culture make with own principle which always motivate human life in this
We have more power but Misfortune we are not try to known this power So we are self find with
close dark on our way.Now We will be wake up for this country where we have gotten our identity.

The Onions rate hike continue in India,But the main leader of this government not speak in the matter
but the people of this country not silent for long time because this countries people want a reply from
current government,How some politician of current government did a scam with this government
of India when all world had shocked with country people.

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