Many Indian pilot has lost his life caused by crashed MIG-21 fighter plane in India.

Today,On 15 july ,MIG-21 Bison fighter aircraft has crashed at Rajasthan when the Pilot was landing
at Uttarlai airbase in Rajasthan's Barmer district,In this landing ,this fighter aircraft has crashed there but Pilot
can not live in this plan crash.We are haring the news of same type Mig-21 plan crashed in India but we
can't find what is problem with this aircraft where our many India soldiers been losing their life caused by
plan crashing in India for some time.

The IAF had loss almost half Mig-21 aircraft in crashing in India and many indian soldier's life end by this Mig-21 but now the government and defence minster not change his think about this Mig-21 and this country
has forced to face this crashed in India,because many time ,India's public seeing and hearing about this plane
how can it fall down after fleet.

In this year ,Six plane has crashed in India where one IAF aircraft  and five's fighter plane.Here we give some names which has crashed in this year,include one each of MIG-27,MIG-29, Su-30MKI,and Mi-17V5
medium lift helicopter.this year two MIG-21s has crashed in India.

Now.Defense Ministry spokesperson in Jodhpur tell to media ,court of inquiry order give to IAF that they
find ascertain reason behind this crashed,because Civilian life has made a danger from this accidently type
crashed of this aircraft in India.

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