Indian government demanding a information about some doubt ID from Microsoft company.

Today,Microsoft has gotten over 400 request from India for Information on IDs.these IDs had been showing
in criminal activity according the Indian government but this IDs information not available in India's secret agency where these agency can be find who is involve in criminal activity.

"These doubtful IDs information had provide to India's government ,Microsoft has provide all data regarding
these request which come from India."
Microsoft officer said.

This American company received as many as 418 request from Indian Law enforcement agency in 2012
which want to enquiries in these doubt IDs where these are using in criminal activity against to India but
all affected 594 different account or IDs.

On information related to Skype,Indian government made 60 request to Microsoft but they are related with
110 different account . We do measure the ratio with different country which also making the request to
find the information about these doubtful IDs or account then we find India's request is less comparison
to other country request.

In this request competition ,Turkey has made a top country in the world ,this country sending the highest request the Microsoft for Information about these doubt IDs or account.Turkey  with 11,434 request reached the top list while US made only 11,073 request to got second place on this list.

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