Gujarat CM Modi's Namo Namha has become mind blowing to defeated Tharoor in-Twitter race.

In Popularity fight of Social site,Gujarat CM Modi's Namo Namha has made a mind blowing theme for coming election which will occur early in India where this country people are ready will give their support to Gujarat CM Narendra Modi.
Really,the Indian agree this think now,this country need a brave leader who is not depend other person as this think
showing in current UPA-2 government in India.this news come from media source ,Congress leader Shashi Tharoor
has lost his popularity in front Gujarat CM Modi.

The BJP party is feel a freshness for coming election in India because this party member guess the voter
think ,Now Indian voter has been facing a problem for the current government So today,Many site give
a clear notation ,in coming time UPA-2 will not raise a big party in India.Many Indian who is paced outside
this country ,they are make a mind to remove this government in India.

BJP party theme with Namo Namha is very mind blowing and many people accepting this theme then today,
Gujarat CM Narendra Modi's followers beat the Shashi Tharoor in Twitter,Now this time,it has made a sad
news for UPA-2 ,how Modi's followers has increased in Social sites but the Current government leader has
return in back foot in this country and outside.

Now,BJP party has been making the popular party in the world but perhaps some people not understand
why we are written but it is true ,many people are shoe in Social sites where many people and youth are
full support this party and Member because Modi's has come in election field,After this,today Modi's has
made a popular personality where his number of followers strength very high in Social sites then many opposite
leader has feared to seen these popularity in India and outside.

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