Wake up world people for knowing about the cow why Indian called mother.

This India's country man belive India's Sanskriti and religion.All religion not accept this think and it is not give a order to kill this cow ,but some blind and foolish man is not understand this mystery because they are more much greedy so they are doing this hateful work but they are forget ,these person always fall in life when  to reached their death .Now many Scientist self say this cow is very useful for humane life where many people got more benefit when they are give
a food cow ,the atmosphere is very cool and positive where this cow stay.these urine and dung is very useful so the Hindu Saint say the cow is holy and should be worshiped.

Many religion placed in India So all religion is responsible to making a dignity and unity So it is very need to
make glorious atmosphere in this country where all religion take a relief breath but some person not want
there peaceful atmosphere So they are always doing a hateful work,this is universe fact all religion child take
a drink with this cow milk when this holy cow give is very useful then how some person make a very cruelly
behavior  respect this holy cow.

this country self want to change the think respect this cow ,now many country support to safe the life of this
holy animal but this country man where this cow is worshiped by the Hindu,After this Some greedy person
to sell this cow in butcher man for eating meat but this country man not bear these cruelly behavior respect
this holy cow.Now this cow give more thing without taking some after Some blind person behavior is very cruelly then the people understand these person like as evildoer personality to all person.

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