Today decide,What BJP need again bear the burden of JDU relation.

Now BJP party self announce what these party member think that other helper party decide the role here because, Today the JDU party member become a meeting where many top leader with Bihar CM Nitish Kumar self lead this meeting and these JDU party Member will decide the future relation with The BJP Party.Many Indians guess,What will be happen toady?.Many wise man who continue seeing the drama of JDU party member and these people guess perhaps the JDU party is going to darkness as like a LOJPA party which is not return to make believable party in India.

Many people happy when they are heard the JDU party member will call the meeting to decide that they are
associate the NDA party for long time or not but Many people seeing the history of JDU party when these
party associate with NDA in Atal Bihari Vajpayee times ,then the JDU party gain benefit from this BJP Party
Really the Hindu real identity only make one party which is knowing a The BJP Party.

The Modi name not require other name so all people of India well know this personality,now many foreigner
talk this personality with respective sight after the former prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee but Some person not accept this real think which regular understand by the India's Public in this Country.

The world media seeing this adventure which occurred from BJP Goa Meeting because all event which come
from media source,it's all  event shocked to all India's people what will this party give a best administration
in this country where This country people make a hope that In coming time the current administration will
change the future administration but these incident hurt to all people of India.

Really The RSS self involve in this situation to solve this problem occur under the BJP Party but the top member of RSS are not seeing to solve this problem.Now the India's public self understand what is right
for this country and they are support all reason which will support to make a powerful India.

Really.Goa Meeting has succeeded to taken these decision where the Gujarat CM Modi has made a campaign president for coming election in India ,So Many people welcome this selection and these people
have hope now India will make again Shining country in the world.

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