India's many states suffer the problem of less power because No any govt. pay attention there.

India's many States suffer the less power problem because No any government pay attention there and this country people bear heavy problem of this summer which spread around the whole India but Now the India's people searching the solution with the God  where they are waiting  rain which help to safe their life
from this fire what is surprise solution use by Indians. 

Really ,it is prove that any states of this country has made own Identity because where this state current govt.
pay attention to solve the energy problem which is the biggest problem to any country that is decide what is
growth gained by this country and this country people.

Many poles in this states showing without light such as Iron statue,after this energy problem India's govt. not
careful for seeing the future of this country.Now India face more problem to take the energy but this country's politician not worry this problem because many politician using a free cost other sources,Several time to seen this problem not the current govt. has made any policy under this country to reduce this problem.

Today,Many country search a new sources in other country because the world ell know this think which country self confident for energy ,those growth not less any time and there people enjoying the life with happiness but one question put-up those country where some corrupt person not interest in this side
they are always work for themselves not for their country.

Now,The India again prepare for battle for election which continue decide this country future but now no any
perfect result come after 66 year when this country release from the English government.Really ,we are going to back foot when we are talking to country growth and people growth,we understand that someone show reason but always face all citizen of this country . 

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