British citizen Jodie try to rescue the hill valley from flood garbage,her help, army easily safe life in Kedarnath.

India and Indian always respect these people who always come here from other country for a good work.
Today,we are describe a name of British girl ,who has come India to seen the Himalaya and hill green valley
but she has found that here lot of garbage spread around the Himalaya then She has decide to rescue this
garbage from all the Himalaya valley then ,she has associating this task to relinquish all hill station from this
garbage which had spreading more pollution in this hill station.

A long time this British girl is providing her service to clean India,Here many Indian learn this nice think which
is possible by her So this country people is knowing what is importance of this country in front of world but
after these credible history why this country people not pay attention in these place where many stone is worship by the Indian people After all these event ,we are not seeing a sincere for pollution which continue
ahead to gulp this peaceful acquirement of Himalaya's valley.

Indian want to say thanks this British girl who has made a possible where the Indian government has not
made a thought how can removed and reduce these garbage but She has showed that something is possible
but the think is do with true and rigid.

Now there public calling as a garbage girl and she always try to clean this area from this garbage,when she heard about this disaster then she has come here to help Indian army because Indian army do work to safe life in this valley
but there flood garbage will be crate a problem because army helipad will be effect this flood garbage where many life
will be come in danger So British Girl's Jodie has been cleaning there from some time but We wan say all Indian they
are stay there to help this British Girl for clean the way where these garbage create more problem in Uttarakhand.
We again want to say thanks these British girl's Jodie with our Indian.


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