22 May make a International Day for Biological Diversity

International Day for Biological Diversity 

This day making as a International day in the world.the world accept this think the atmosphere of nature also
effected by the green gases pollution which spread to all world but the develop country spread this green gases pollution more than to other country whose going ahead to achieve a good growth.

Today is the International Day for Biological Diversity.The day is observed on the 22nd of May every year, to increase understanding and awareness of biodiversity issues. The theme this year is, 'Water and Biodiversity'. Our correspondent reports that it has been chosen to coincide with the UN designation of 2013 as the International year of water cooperation. The theme speaks of the important role of biodiversity and ecosystems for water security, and therefore for sustainable development. Water underpins human well being and is absolutely necessary for food security, drinking, sanitation, economic activities, as well as securing Eco-system services. The day also reminds us of the need to balance the needs of biodiversity conservation with those of protecting the livelihoods of millions of people across the globe. A number of programmes have been organized across the globe to mark the day.

Now these international day for Biological  Diversity observe on 22 May in every year,where to
share knowledge and understanding many difficulty to come with different area because the  nature is change and depend on the geography in any place in the Earth.

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