Today India celebrate a new year with welcome Navratra

On 11 April All Indian celebrate a new year of India and welcome Navratri,which starting now .
So Many people participate this traditional festival of India.the Navratri festival is very famous festival
in this country,here All people believe that Ma Durga is only goddess in the Universe which give a
movement where all life travelling to one place to other place.the Hindu Grantham also proved
that She is only one divine power in the Earth and she safe life from devil power.

Today new Hindu year come in India and all people of India very excitement for this festival which always
come in Chaitra Month according Hindi calendar,in Navratra All Hindu person clean his place where
they live and making a small a temple in their home for regular worship ceremony in their life.

Really the Hindu culture very Imagine and scientific culture because all festival make not one's self
person but its made by a scientific reason which follow all nature rule and full-fill a new energy
in humane life and give new direction where we using this, making a great life.

The Hindu Life is very simple life which depend own traditional and they give importance in their
life So we can say that All traditional festival made in India in past time which are very sciatic and
importance in Humane life.Today we can see all those people who are follow India's culture rule
they gain and enjoy with these benefit.  

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