Today, commemorating All martyrs of Jallianwala bagh by the World

Today,13 April Jallianwala bagh anniversary day in India where this day left one question how the people
wanted to destroy own humane virtue and following this devil war which always got dark shape in old
days.We are also finded that this type war started only some mad person who are stand against to peace agreement and developmental think,they are follow those way where destroy themselves and given too much
 fill up pain other people as like a terrorism also made hot poison to All words.

Remembering  13 April ,Many people think that We talking about one Country and Some people life story
but It is not true , We are talking all about those people who lived a hope when they are not understand
how raised their voice against to this notoriously British empire,when we think that devil attack by the Britain
officer Journal Dyer ,whose represent devil mentality of the British empire correspond to humanity and
humane nature.This Jallianwala bagh had made martyr place  on 13 April in Amritsar in the Punjab.This pace
Many person had come to done a peaceful public meeting on the Baisakhi Day in this place.
The Dyer heard this news that many Indians came to include this public meeting with his family member
then the Dyer thanked a devil trick against those innocent Indian, who came for making a peaceful
environment in India against this notorious British empire.

The great patriot's Udham Singh had heard news of the Jalianwala bagh then this Patriot decided that whenever he was not shot Dyer then he was not return his home. One day those time came when
The great patriot's had given commemorate to All Indian who are very said this devil activity from the
notorious British Govt. 

Now this Memorial is managed by the Jallianwala bagh Memorial trust,which was establish by Jallianwala bagh national Memorial act pass by Indian govt. in 1951.

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