Indian Alerting,Earthquake came in India on 16 April

Today Multiple Earthquake came in the world but the latest news coming from India where The Earthquake
has come evening 4:15pm India IST time.Many people outside from own home when continue rocked three
time by Earthquake and search and replace place where they are safe themselves.
Really Today evening in Delhi and NCR city of India very rocked and Impacted the Capital of India.
We are know that the capital of India and other city making top level building but many places ,the govt.
of India already pass a order that No any making more 2-3 story building in those area but here,the residence people not follow Home authority rule which making to understand these occur Earthquake
in India and other natural effect.

The India Meteorological Department announce the scale of this Earthquake which came India today
evening ,this weathering Department of India give a seismology Information where this Department scientist
finded the scale of this came earthquake.

Preliminary Earthquake Report
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Date of Occurence:16/04/2013
Time:16:14:11.0 HRS(IST)
Depth:33 KM
Epicentre:Lat. 28.0°N Long. 62.1°E
  This information given by IMD (India Meteorological Department, But we are well know how can make
 a safe life for this type coming problem and first we are leave a fear which prevent a think,how can help
myself and other.Now we are regular make a careful environment which provided a power to fight any
natural disaster.its come any time in your life So it is very clear that we want to safe our life from this type
natural disaster then you are always learn how can fight from natural disaster and try to search a new option
and also help to other person who suffered this disasters. 

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