33 foundation day,the India's biggest Party BJP's celebrating .

The BJP's leaders have proved that they were belong idol party member and All member of this party associate with their morals duty and obey party rule So this show these party will be raise the biggest party
and writing a golden history in India.In 33 foundation day, the BJP's party address all party member and
Indians and also showed party agenda why this party made in India and also tell us their main objective.

The top leader of BJP's party also announced at this foundation day at stage that the congress party has most
spread corruption in this country when this UPA-2 government again came and this party member also accused by The India courts and other investigation agency of India.Really we would be seen old news where many Congress leader have accused to each other and seeing a dream to make again this government
on 2014,but Some regional party also give a big notation that they have left congress anywhere but these party top leader are fear from the CBI, which controlled by UPA-2 in India.

In 33 Foundation day, Many top leader of BJP's party give a message that now those time will be soon come when this party will give a freedom India from this current government because this Govt. not did
any good work and not any rectify in India.The Gujarat CM Narendra Modi also clear he also worshipped
his land as real mother when he live anywhere in India.Many times seeing, The Gujarat CM proved a
Gujarat development model but Some people not wanted that this country made a golden country.

Now we are asking many youth what your real hero in this country why he make your idol then All youth
frank explain that The Gujarat CM doing work for the Gujarat develop,really it is appreciate by all person
in India.So it is prove that the Gujarat CM Narendra Modi make a real hero now and These India Public
wanting,The BJP's Party projected the Gujarat CM as like a new future PM of India where he leads India
and this country going to development way with him.

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