Today India celebrating Basant Panchami Festival

On 15 February,Indian celebrating Basant Panchami festival with happiness in India and outside other
country in the world.This is biggest festival in Hindu religion and taken bless from knowledge's goddess.
The Hindus believe that their culture and Sanskriti and also follow their rules which made by Hindu's
forefather in ancientry time when no any Sanskriti risen in the Earth.

Before Ancientry time the Hindus tried to safe their impotent vedic message and knowledge which
utilize by new generation in India.these festival had not made by one person and any group of particular
religion but these had made carefully seen a scientific reason which looking in coming life and generations
whose forefather had used in ancientry time in this Earth.

The Brahmin society start a vedic Mantra to praises a Knowledge goddess.her also called by Ma
Saraswati in India,here many goddess also call by 'Ma' word.The Indian believe this fact that everything  which presented in this Universe which movement depend only one power in this Universe and that
is calling by "MA BHAGWATI" in the world.

Now All world people surprise to see this type Astha in Hindu culture and believable Hindus festival
So they are believe in Hindu Vede and Vedic Mantra which proved by NASA Scientist in America.

So Many Indian want to say,Wishing to All Worlds People blessed Basant Panchami.

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