Russia 500 People injured by Meteorite hits

Today Russia has faced meteorite hits in their land where 400 People Injured by this hits in central
Russia.when many meteorite shot across the sky in Russia on Friday.Coming these fireballs crashing
to Earth and exploded with high sound ,to made a dark cloud in Russia.

On 15 February at about 9:20 am local time ,one explosion occur in Chelyabinsk city and administrative
center of  Chelyabinsk Oblast, Russia ,located in the northwest of the Oblast. the residents of this city
heard explosion with high sound then they came from their house to saw a big sky incident, its show
as like a bright light with spread a wave with supersonic sound.

Chelyabinsk city people said that Many people sought for medical help,Many wounded from these
Meteorite light and its high sound which destroy many window and glasses in a car and house etc.

Many people feared from this meteor shower ,Injured 400 people in Russia.Here people said
its Meteor shower came to earth and crash here but No any Information come from Russia's
official site where they were already alerts this Meteorite hits in central Russia.

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