On 12 Feb Gujarat CM will Reach at Prayag

First time after made a Chief Minister of  the Gujarat,  Narendra Modi will come
to meet a noble saints and getting blesses from many devotees,saints and Gurus.
Hearing this news that Gujarat CM will reach any time to visit a Maha Kumbh So
Many people will ready to give their support to favor of Gujarat CM Narendra
 Modi.they are excited and waiting this movement when Gujarat CM Modi identify
 with Bharti Sanskriti to many noble saints,devotees and Gurus at Prayag.

We were asked many FB(Facebook friend)- fans and other youth who join to differ
 occupation , religion and caste but We surprised that all people have chosen
Gujarat CM Modi's name for coming LokSabha election  in India on 2014.
Many polls also said that Modi's name magic started from Gujarat Election.

Indian Akhada has announced the name of next PM(Prime Minister) of the India
So Modi;s name will be project in coming election in India but Now looking VHP
(Vishwa Hindu Parishad) meeting with Gujarat CM Narendra Modi then this will
be decide that they will support Modi's name project or search other option.

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