Again Exposure against to Delhi CM by Arvind Kejriwal Today

Today Kejriwal expose a connivance between Sheila Dikshit and Private Power
Companies,these companies hike electric bill rate with help Delhi govt ,return to
many benefit Sheila Dikshit and her party Member.Both together robing of the
India's currency from a Delhi Public So Kejriwal expose this relation how Sheila
Govt.,the Congress and Power companies have made a fool to show lack a power
supply in India, they are hike electric bill here.

"Many party member fear from Arvind Kejriwal and his 'AAP' party member
In October last year ,AAP had made a party  include many member whose come
from village and small cities and Social's organisation, they have also joined to
Against Corruption with Kejriwal when he has no created his Party AAP,"
Many AAP party Volunteer said

Today World waiting what new clue expose against to Sheila and these Power
Companies by Arvind Kejriwal and his AAP party,So many people looking
a news channel where Kejriwal will come for expose this matter.

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