The BJP,Welcome newly elected President Rajnath Singh

Welcome newly elected  president in the BJP party with new excitement and
 hopeful.The Party Member of BJP said that they were also welcome this new
elected  president and Hope,he would give a best result to his party and his
country  So that the India get a good political party and member from
their Indian , India will make a great country in the World.

Some people not know that the new BJP president Rajnath Singh has  a former
Chief Minister of UP,India where Now Akhilesh Yadav made chief minister.

"Hearing the statement of  the home minister Sushilkumar Shinde's ,The  BJP
 Leader demanded  resignation from the UPA-2 and protest against Union
home minister in whole India ,his remark 'Hindu terror' showed a very low
thinking respect to all Indians and not able for Union Home minister of The
India, "The new President of BJP party Rajnath Singh said.

Now All World would want to new  shining look of  the India So the People
of India want to change where they are find their selves develop in this country.

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