India shock,Pakistan concern for Shah Rukh Khan's Sequrity

The Pakistan politics play a new role in India ,they want that the India forget a LOC
troop attack against to India Soldier. today Pakistan minister Rehman Malik show
how they are concern security of film star's Shah Rukh Khan in India.

Pakistan Minister Rehman malik's unsolicited asking to India to provide security to
 star's Shah Rukh Khan but The India said that India was self capable to protect 
own citizen in this country and out side country.

"We have best soldier's to provide a best security anywhere in the world So we
 are quite capable to taking care of security of citizens So Pakistan  need not 
worry about a any India citizens," 
Union Minister R.K Singh told Reporter on Tuesday Morning.  

Pakistan Politician was not sincere for any relationship correspond to India 
because these politics game showed that India careful for this trick from Pakistan.  

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